Attorney Messenger Service in San Diego, CA

Company Info
CalExpress is an owner-operated attorney messenger service in San Diego, CA. We also have offices in downtown Los Angeles and Orange County. Established in 1988, our company strives to tailor its performance to cater to each customer’s current and future legal support service needs. We are a value-oriented company where customer satisfaction is our highest priority. CalExpress is available on an on-call basis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We offer a wide array of services which include messenger service, court filings, service of process, on-site court research, mobile photocopying, subpoena preparation, mobile notary and special requests to accommodate all varied delivery needs.
CalExpress is the best choice for same-day express service. CalExpress has developed a solid client base of respected businesses able to attest to the speed and reliability that CalExpress prides itself upon.
CalExpress employs skilled, uniformed messengers, each of whom are trained in courthouse procedures, as well as service of process. We utilize several modes of transportation, including bicycles, cars and light trucks able to efficiently transport our clients’ service requests.
CalExpress offers online order entry and real-time tracking.